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getCartesianTree(A, cmp)
#pragma once /** * @brief Cartesian Tree * @docs docs/algorithm/ */ #include <vector> #include <stack> #include <utility> #include <functional> using namespace std; #include "../graph/graph_000_basic.cpp" template <typename Tp = int> pair< Graph<>, int > getCartesianTree(const vector<Tp> &A, function<bool(Tp, Tp)> cmp = [](Tp a, Tp b) { return a < b; // min } ) { int N = A.size(); vector<int> par(N, -1), st; st.reserve(N); for(int i=0; i<N; i++) { int prev_idx = -1; while(st.size() and cmp(A[i], A[st.back()])) { prev_idx = st.back(); st.pop_back(); } if(prev_idx >= 0) { par[ prev_idx ] = i; } if(st.size()) { par[i] = st.back(); } st.emplace_back(i); } int root = -1; Graph<> G(N); for(int i=0; i<N; i++) { if(par[i] < 0) { root = i; } else { G[ par[i] ].emplace_back(i); } } return make_pair(G, root); }
#line 2 "algorithm/cartesian_tree.cpp" /** * @brief Cartesian Tree * @docs docs/algorithm/ */ #include <vector> #include <stack> #include <utility> #include <functional> using namespace std; #line 1 "graph/graph_000_basic.cpp" // 移動元と行先と辺のコストを記録する構造体 template <typename T = int> struct Edge { int from, to; T cost; Edge(int s, T d = 1) : to(s), cost(d) {} Edge(int f, int s, T d) : from(f), to(s), cost(d) {} bool operator<(const Edge &e) const { return cost < e.cost; } bool operator>(const Edge &e) const { return cost > e.cost; } }; template <typename T = int> using Graph = vector< vector< Edge<T> > >; #line 15 "algorithm/cartesian_tree.cpp" template <typename Tp = int> pair< Graph<>, int > getCartesianTree(const vector<Tp> &A, function<bool(Tp, Tp)> cmp = [](Tp a, Tp b) { return a < b; // min } ) { int N = A.size(); vector<int> par(N, -1), st; st.reserve(N); for(int i=0; i<N; i++) { int prev_idx = -1; while(st.size() and cmp(A[i], A[st.back()])) { prev_idx = st.back(); st.pop_back(); } if(prev_idx >= 0) { par[ prev_idx ] = i; } if(st.size()) { par[i] = st.back(); } st.emplace_back(i); } int root = -1; Graph<> G(N); for(int i=0; i<N; i++) { if(par[i] < 0) { root = i; } else { G[ par[i] ].emplace_back(i); } } return make_pair(G, root); }